Rankin's Springs Public School

Pride in Effort

Telephone02 6966 1206


For parents

School learning is most effective when there is a strong partnership between parents, students and teachers.  Rankin’s Springs Public School also values the involvement of members of the wider community.  There are a number of ways we seek to involve parents and community members in the learning process including inviting parents and community members to join us for special events, activities, excursions and presentations, and providing opportunities for parents and community members to support and participate in regular class programs, such as individual reading or reading groups and Special Religious Education.

If you would like to participate in learning activities at Rankin’s Springs Public School on a regular basis please contact the school to discuss the possibilities of involvement.  Alternatively, please keep your eye out for opportunities to join us for special occasions.  Information about such occasions will be included in the newsletter.

Parent involvment

Rankin’s Springs Public School is very fortunate to have an enthusiastic and dedicated parent body. 

Many events and activities could not occur without the support and involvement of community members and thus the help of parents is often requested by teachers and greatly appreciated.  Information regarding such events is usually discussed at P&C meetings and details are generally communicated through the newsletter.

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