Rankin's Springs Public School

Pride in Effort

Telephone02 6966 1206


Communication to and from school

Communication school to home

The school newsletter

Our school newsletter is distributed each week during the school term to all of the families.  For families with children attending Rankin’s Springs Public School the newsletter is collected by the children from school on Tuesday, and for all other community members it is distributed through the post office on Tuesday. The newsletter can also be viewed digitally on the website, facebook page or upon request via email.

The school newsletter is the main forum for distributing information to the Rankins Springs community.  It includes information about all school events and activities as well as containing information from a variety of community businesses and organisations and details of upcoming community events.

If you have a notice that you would like to be included in the newsletter, please contact the office.  All notes must be received by 4.00p.m. on the Monday before the newsletter is to be distributed.

Student reports and parent/teacher interviews

Student reports are distributed towards the end of Term 2 and Term 4 each year and provide extensive information about your child’s progress and performance at school.  Upon receiving reports, parents are encouraged to make an appointment for a Student, Parent, Teacher Interview to further discuss the contents of the report. 

Communication home to school

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, we would love to hear from you.  If you contact the school office you may find we are able to respond to or address you needs immediately.  If not, the office staff will be able to make an appointment for you to see the relevant member/s of staff. 

It is also very important that you advise the school of any changes in your child’s circumstances that may have an effect on their academic or emotional development.  All such information is treated in strict confidence.