Rankin's Springs Public School

Pride in Effort

Telephone02 6966 1206


Useful links for students

DET Portal

Students and Teachers may use this link to access their Department of Education and Training (DET) email account. All students have been given a user ID and password they may use to access their emails. The DET email service has many security features such as filtering and monitoring. This means that a copy of all emails sent and received by students will be kept by DET.

Parents and Caregivers who would like more information relating to student emails may wish to click on the following link.



Spellodrome is the next generation in learning spelling.

Students love it because Spellodrome encourages independent learning and the development of critical spelling awareness. Designed by educators, it has the right balance of stimulation and support.


Schools from a to z

School A to Z has been produced by the NSW Department of Education and Communities

We are aiming to create an online community with comprehensive homework and ‘school life' support for parents that is easy to use, relevant and engaging.

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